Creating Bexhill’s Geocaches

Through an ongoing series of digitally delivered workshops, artist Sam Ayre has been working with All Saints Primary School, Sidley and 3rd Bexhill Scout Unit creating new work and exploring ideas related to Holly Hendry’s England’s Creative Coast commission Invertebrate, the DLWP building and the physical local geography of Bexhill.
Participants created work using clay and reclaimed cardboard packaging in response to key questions connected to Holly Hendrys work’ Where do we get energy from? What are the different types of energy? What is happening under our feet? Where does our food come from? What are your favourite green spaces near where you live and why?
The Scouts were joined by Holly Hendry for an online paper-clay casting and moulding workshop and Sam Ayre is making a compost heap sculpture at All Saint’s School to support their Forest School lessons and using works made on cardboard to get the compost heap started.
The energetic, free-association, conversations, questions and ideas are contained in the resulting animation and accompanying audio piece coproduced by sound artist Lindsay Alexander Corstophine. This is contained in the ceramic worm-poo sculptures made by Sam Ayre at Common Clay Studios in Hastings and are hidden in Sidley and Bexhill, download the Geocache app to find them and unlock the weird work!
Posted by sally on Tuesday 1 June 2021